Annual and Special Meetings Proxy

If you are unable to attend the meeting and choose to assign a Proxy Holder, please complete this Proxy Form no later than noon on the scheduled day of the Annual or Special Meeting.
The undersigned member of Ashbridge’s Bay Yacht Club (the Club) hereby:

Proxy Appointment

A copy of this Proxy will be shared with ABYC Senior Vice-Commodore for record keeping.
Primary Proxy Full Name
Secondary Proxy Full Name
with power of substitution, to attend and vote for and on behalf of the undersigned at the next General Meeting of the Club to be held on the date below, and at any adjournment thereof, with full power to the said proxy to waive notice of such meeting on behalf of the undersigned and hereby revokes all proxies previously given in connection with such meeting.

Annual or Special Meeting date this Proxy is valid for

Meeting Date(Required)
This Proxy is valid for this Meeting:

Membership Information

Date Signed(Required)