Membership Fee Structure


SENIOR Fees    (Example boats) First Year Only Annual Fees Total First Year Total Each Subsequent Year
Senior Initiation    Boat Introduction* Senior Dues Winter Storage Summer Storage Capital Fee
No Boat 2,000 0 1,562 332 3,894 1,894
Drysail 24′ x 8.5′ 2,000 700 (drysail any size) 1,562 469 401 386 5,518 2,818
Harbour 24′ x 8.5′ 2,000 2,000 (less than 29′) 1,562 469 934 ‭458 ‭7,423 3,423
Harbour 32′ x 11.75′ 2,000 4,300 (29′-34’11”) 1,562 865 1,721 ‭564 11,013 4,713
Harbour 39′ x 12 2,000 6,100 (35′-39’11”) 1,562 1,076 2,143 621 ‭13,502 5,402
Harbour 41′ x 13′ 2,000 7,900 (40′ or more) 1,562 1,226 2,440 661 ‭15,790 5,890


  • *Boat introduction fee permits a senior member to keep a boat larger than a sailing dinghy at the club, and varies with
    initial boat size: Dry Sail, less then 29′, 29′ – 34’11”, 35′ – 39’11” and 40′ or more. If a larger boat is acquired later, the
    incremental boat introduction fee will be required
  • Storage fees are individually calculated, based on the measured Beam x Length-Over-All, including all pulpits, davits, swim
    platforms, etc.
  • Summer storage/square foot: in the harbour $4.58, Drysail $1.96. Winter storage is $2.30 per square foot
  • Capital Fee is $332 + 13.5% of Summer Storage fee
  • Mast crane use, haulout, and launch are included in the storage fees
  • A nominal surcharge is made for sailboats with mast-up storage and for powerboats hauled out without a cradle or trailer
  • Senior members have a minimum billing of $90 per calendar quarter on food
  • Senior members must contribute 35 work hours to the club.  Uncontributed hours are charged at the end of the year
  • Fees are payable over 12 months with a pre-authorized debit program
  • Annual fees are adjusted each year, and usually increase by an amount close to inflation. Annual fees are from January 1st
    and are pro-rated
  • All fees are subject to HST
ASSOCIATE Fees Annual Fees Total Each Year
Associate Fee Program/Storage Fee
No Program 303 303
Kayak/Paddleboard 303 225 528
Sailing Dinghy storage 303 325 628
Keelboat Co-op 303 1,700 2,003
Club Dinghy program 303 Inquire Inquire


  • Fees for a spouse/partner of an Associate are $151
  • Associates must contribute 3 hours work to the club each year.  Uncontributed hours are charged at the end of the year
  • Keelboat Co-op participants must contribute 7 hours work to the club; this is in addition to any other hours required.  Uncontributed hours are charged at the end of the year
  • Annual fees are adjusted each year, and usually increase by an amount close to inflation. Annual fees are from April 1st
  • All fees subject to HST
JUNIOR Fees Annual Fees Total Each Year
Junior Fee Program/Storage Fee
Less than 25 years old
No Program 82 82
Kayak/Paddleboard 82 225 307
Sailing Dinghy 82 325 407
25-29 years old
No Program 179 179
Kayak/Paddleboard 179 225 404
Sailing Dinghy 179 325 504


  • Age as of January 1st
  • Laser Dingy, Wayfarer Dinghy, and Keelboat Co-op programs are also available to Junior members, with the same program fees as for associate members.
  • Annual fees are adjusted each year, and usually increase by an amount close to inflation. Annual fees are from April 1st
  • All fees subject to HST

Toronto Sailing Paddleboarding Ashbridge's Bay Yacht Club

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