Intro Co-op Application

Intro Co-op Program Application

2022 Application and Instructions

  • The Introductory Co-op Sailing Program (ICSP) is only available to graduates of the ABYC Adult Basic Cruising Program in the same year. To join the ICSP, Adult Basic Cruising Program students must also apply for Associate Membership.
    NOTE: Membership in the ICSP requires approval of the Adult Basic Cruising Program Instructor upon completion of the course. If an applicant is not approved his/her ICSP fees will not be charged.
  • Applicant Information

    YYYY slash MM slash DD
    YYYY slash MM slash DD
  • 2021 Fees

  • Introductory Co-op Sailing program fees depend on the month entered into co-op:
    1. Entry into co-op June: $600 + $78 HST = $678*
    2. Entry into co-op July: $480 + $62.40 HST = $542.40*
    3. Entry into co-op August: $360 + $46.80 HST = $406.80*
    *A separate damage/loss deposit of $250.00 will also be collected, to be refunded, less any penalties, at year end)
  • Hidden

    Additional Requirements

  • Payment Method