1 Rules
- The races will be governed by the rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing.
- The Sail Canada prescriptions will apply.
1.3 The PHRF-LO rules shall apply. Boats without a PHRF Certificate are welcome to participate and will be assigned a rating by the Club Handicapper or his/her delegate. Such assignments are not subject to protest or request for redress. This changes rule 60.
2 Eligibility and Entry
2.1 The races are open to all boats of the fleets of the Ashbridge’s’ Bay Yacht Club.
2.2 Pre-Registration is required no later than the Wednesday at 2359 before the race. Please refer https://abyc.ca/racing/ for details.
2.3 A Competitors Meeting will be held at 1200 on the day of the race upstairs in the clubhouse.
2.4 The Warning Signal will be given at 1300.
3 Fees
3.1 There is no fee for entering.
4 Schedule
4.1 Family Race will be held Saturday August 7, 2021.
5 Sailing Instructions
5.1 The sailing instructions will be handed out at the Competitors Meeting and will be posted online at https://abyc.ca/racing/
6 Venue
6.1 The racing area will be a circle having a radius of approximately 1/2 nautical mile and having a centre located approximately 1.33 nautical miles on a bearing of 89 degrees from the ‘new’ south headland of the club.
7 The Course
7.1 The course will be outlined in the Sailing Instructions.
8 Penalty System
8.1 The Scoring Penalty, RRS 44.1, shall apply.
8.2 There will be no protests. This is a fun race.
9 Scoring
9.1 This will be a pursuit-style race. Boats will receive staggered start times based on their PHRF ratings, i.e. the slower boats start first, followed by faster boats, with the fastest scratch boat starting last. The first boat to the finish wins.
9.2 For the Family Race, PHRF handicaps will be adjusted by adding 6 seconds each to the boat’s PHRF rating for:
1. Crew members under 12
2. Crew members over 70
3. Double-handed crew
4. Boats with no prior racing experience.
Details will be included in the Sailing Instructions.
10 Time Limit
10.1 The time limit shall be 1600. If one boat finishes before the time limit, the time limit shall be 20 minutes after the first boat finished or the 1600, whichever is later.
11 Prizes
11.1 Prizes will be given as per the Sailing Instructions.
12 Disclaimer of Liability
12.1 Competitors participate in the regatta entirely at their own risk. See RRS3, Decision to Race. Ashbridge’s Bay Yacht Club will not accept any liability for material damage or personal injury or death sustained in conjunction with or prior to, during, or after any club racing.
13 Insurance
13.1 Each participating boat shall be insured with valid third-party liability insurance including race coverage.