In order to update the Calendars above, you must first obtain a local copy of the calendar. ‘Your Copy’ will become the master copy which you can edit and publish as often as required. Steps 1-8 need only be carried out once. Step 9 – 11 are required to publish your updates.
1 |
Click Subscribe |
2 |
Answer ‘Yes’ if prompted to allow your calendar program to start |
3 |
Answer ‘Yes’ to ‘Add this Internet Calendar to Outlook’ |
4 |
You should now see two calendars. If not, the checkbox beside the calendar is probably unchecked. |
5 |
Since you cannot edit an Internet Calendar, make a copy of the calendar locally. Right click the ‘ABYC .. Internet Calendar’ entry and select Copy. |
6 |
Select Calendar under Personal Folders to copy the calendar to |
7 |
Three Calendars should now be visible. Your personal calendar, the internet calendar and your copy. *** Note *** Your copy may have been inserted before the internet subscription. |
8 |
In the left panel, right click the ‘ABYC_xxxxx in Internet Calendars’ entry and select delete. (We have what we need, our copy to edit) |
9 |
Edit the ‘ABYC xxx’ calendar as you would any Outlook Calendar. |
10 |
Prior to publishing, save the calendar as a transferable file. Right click the ‘ABYC_xxx’ calendar in the Left panel. Select Save As. Save the file to a convenient location. (note the location, we will need it, and DO NOT RENAME THE FILE , OUTLOOK will want to append _Calendar. Remove the extra “_Calendar”)Also ensure the ‘Save as Type:’ is iCalendar Format (*.ics) |
11 |
At the top of the ‘Calendar Administration’ web page, select ‘Choose File’, select the file above, click ‘Upload File’. |