Single Handed Race  # 1	Ashbridge's Bay Yacht Club

	Race Date:	13 June 2004

	Div	Finish	Elapsed	Corrected	Time *
	Rank	Boat Name	Sail No.	BowNo.	Time	Time	Time	Behind
Jam	PHRF Time on Time	Start Time 13:00	* Time Behind is Sec / Hour

	1	Wisterical	     45	14:40:10	01:40:10	01:35:58
	2	Charisma	   1627	14:41:03	01:41:03	01:38:03	78
	3	Laime	    119	14:48:56	01:48:56	01:38:11	83
	4	Con Brio	  84033	14:36:13	01:36:13	01:40:37	174
	5	Ogopogo	  24968	14:45:47	01:45:47	01:42:38	250
	6	Up Spirits	     34	14:53:05	01:53:05	01:46:07	381
	7	Matta II	  44045	14:56:37	01:56:37	01:47:40	439
	Questions?  Contact:	 Contact Person Unknown

Printed On:	15-Jun-2004	19:32:59	Number of boats Scored	7

Scoring Program by Quick Score - Phone Dan at 585-703-2963 or Email
Do not call Quick Score about the results of this Race