The Co-Operative Sailing Program (“CSP”) is intended to allow ABYC members who do not currently own a boat to use one provided by the Club, on a time-sharing basis.
ABYC, like most yacht clubs, has active racing programs and active cruising programs; generally, members
prefer one or the other factions of sailing.
Our sailing school uses dinghies as its primary instruction vessels, and graduates frequently progress from the sailing school to become active racing crew members or even purchase their own boats, becoming senior members, and joining ABYC’s fleet.
ABYC also offers an adult keel boat instruction program, which has been very successful. However, graduates from this program do not have a natural progression – the step up to purchasing a keel boat and enrolling it into the Club fleet is a large and serious commitment. The CSP is intended to fill this gap.
Candidates who would find the CSP of interest include:
To participate in the Co-operative Sailing Program (CSP), you must be a member of ABYC, in any adult membership category with the exception of Honourary Member or Out Of Town Member. In addition to the privileges enjoyed by these membership categories, you have the shared use of the boat to which you are assigned, subject to a few common sense rules outlined below.
ABYC reserves the right to terminate any CSP participant’s participation in the program at any time.
Refunding terminated CSP participant’s fees is solely at ABYC’s discretion.
ABYC reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions of this program at any time.
In general, the boat is available for CSP participants to reserve on a first come, first served basis, subject to a few restrictions, as outlined below.
The CSP participants access the reservations through the ABYC website.