Co-op Sailing Program

Make the most of your time out on the water

At ABYC, our co-op program gives you an affordable, sailing time-share style experience. The program offers participants opportunity to:

Sail on your own schedule during days or evenings

Easy online booking

Enjoy the the camaraderie of sailing in a club

Participate in yacht club life at the “Beach”

Participate in social events, parties, regattas, and evening races

Explore Lake Ontario on 25-33′ ABYC-owned boats as if they were your own!

The ABYC Co-op Sailing Program (CSP) is ideally suited for sailors who want the freedom and excitement of cruising on their own, without the cost burden of boat ownership!

An affordable, sailing time-share style experience.

Whether your goal is to have a low-commitment alternative to boat ownership, or you want to test the waters before purchasing your own boat, you’re sure to enjoy your season at ABYC. Expand your sailing cruising or racing experience, enjoy hosting family and friends on and off the co-op boats, and expand or maintain your knowledge of sailing and boat care.

Co-op program participants are required to be members of ABYC and be CYA certified, or have equivalent experience. Current members of ABYC, and not-yet members are invited to apply online. Spaces are limited and the program sells out each season. The Co-op Program fee and damage deposit are not required until your spot in the program is confirmed.

For answers to common program questions including certification requirements, please review the Keelboat Co-op FAQ.

Current members of ABYC, and not-yet members are invited to apply online. Before applying, review the Program Guide.

To access certifications to be a participant of the Co-op Keelboat program please visit our Adult Learn to Sail programming.

Adult Learn to Sail Programming

Applications for 2025 Co-op Sailing Program open on April 1, 2025.

Toronto Sailing Paddleboarding Ashbridge's Bay Yacht Club

For additional Co-op program details, to make arrangements to view a boat or for application information, please contact the ABYC Office Assistant, Roxanne, at 416-698-4498 X221 or

Toronto Sailing Co-op Program Ashbridge's Bay Yacht Club