Clara Gravely Fundraiser Registration

"*" indicates required fields

Clara Gravely’s 2028 Olympic Campaign Kickoff!

January 31, 2025, at 6 pm

The evening will include dinner, a presentation by Clara and a silent auction.
Tickets will be $100 per person, $60 of which will go towards Clara’s campaign
(and you will receive a charitable donation receipt for this portion)

Attendee Details

I am a relative of Clara Gravely and cannot claim a tax receipt*

Ticket Order

Payment Information

Payment can be made in several ways:

  • by sending an e-transfer for the Total to with a note indicating that the funds are for the Clara Gravely fundraiser.
  • for credit card payment, contact the ABYC office at 416-698-4498 ext. 226.
  • ABYC members who are signed up for PAD
Payment Method*
Price: $ 100.00 CAD