Current Version: March 1, 2022
Food & Beverage
All patrons 12 years and older for Indoor Dining are required to:
- Show proof of full vaccination: 14 days after the first dose of a single dose vaccine (J&J Janssen) or 14 days after the second dose of a two dose vaccine (Pfizer / Moderna / AstraZeneca).
- Show photo ID with date of birth for cross checking the authenticity of your Provincial QR Code Vaccine Certificate
Main Lobby Entrance is the only access point for all sit down serviced areas and takeout:
- Check-in and show proof of vaccination for an indoor table
- Place or pick-up a take-out order (proof of vaccination not required)
Visit our website landing page for opening hours
Gas Dock is Closed
We are Closed to Reciprocal Visitors until Spring 2022