ABYC Bay Belle Point Reservation

Please review the ABYC Bay Belle Point availability in the calendar before requesting your reservation below.

Bay Belle Point reservations are available to members only*.

New in 2019: a $50.00 booking fee will be charged to your member’s account once your reservation is confirmed to include:

  • Use of the BBQ’s
  • Use of the electricity
  • Use of the water
  • Garbage removal & general clean up by the bosuns

*Reservations for Bay Belle Point are “as is”: if you require additional seating, tables or catering, fees will be discussed with the ABYC Event Coordinator.

*Members are expected to treat the area as “their own” in terms of cleanliness. If damage or extensive cleaning is required, you may be charged additionally.

You must be a logged in ABYC Member to make a reservation.